The CHRISTIANing Podcast
The CHRISTIANing Podcast
Ep.56 - Processing: Roe V. Wade
The Pro-life v. Pro-choice debate was reignited in ways we haven't experienced in 50 years when the Supreme Court draft majority opinion basically overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked to the press several weeks ago. The abortion activist community has been in upheaval ever since trying to gain any possible footing to continue the half a century-old precedent that has guarded abortion rights. In this "Processing" episode, Kirk invites you into a raw unfiltered deep dive into what is actually involved in the Pro-life position, what is the source of the Pro-choice stance, and whether should there be any concessions given in order to potentially "surrender a battle to win a war." Kirk is real and transparent and ready to give you all an inside view of a mind that is wrestling with the deeper issues behind political posturing and fighting.
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