The CHRISTIANing Podcast
The CHRISTIANing Podcast
Ep.65 - When Illegal Immigrants are Flown to Martha's Vineyard
The charter flight heard around the world! Florida Governor Ron Desantis took full command of the news cycle last week when he chartered a flight to send 50 illegal immigrants to the upper-class elite island of Martha's Vineyard. Those on the left call it a political stunt that endangered the lives of real people for political gain while people on the right called it a necessary public relations strategy to put a spotlight on the crisis at the southern border. Evangelical leaders also weighed in claiming their preferred perspective was on the moral side of God's heart based on their understanding of scripture. In this episode, we will take a close look at one of the clearest passages in scripture that sheds light on God's heart for the foreigner and then decide for ourselves which side is on God's side when it comes to immigration. Enjoy!
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