The CHRISTIANing Podcast
The CHRISTIANing Podcast
Ep.75 - When there is a Revival at Ashbury University
American Christianity has been captivated by what has been called a revival at Ashbury University, a small Christian college in Kentucky. Plenty of Christian ministers and commentators have jumped in to help us all determine if this non-stop worship service is an authentic act of the Holy Spirit or a phony work of Satan. In this episode, we will refrain from adding our voice to the endless amounts of scrutiny being levied and instead have a conversation about worship music as a whole. The current activity of this Ashbury Revival is primarily singing so we will take a look at a worship song in the book of Psalms and compare it to current trends in modern American worship music. The goal is not to create a report card for the songs that we sing, but instead to have tools to tune our own hearts for the substance the Bible prioritizes when we sing. Enjoy!!
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